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Name JdbcBatchWriter
Class net.sf.csv2sql.writers.JdbcBatchWriter
Description Load generated statements in a jdbc resource with batch method.
Authors Radovan Sninsky (sninsky AT
Required parameters
name description
driver jdbc driver classname.
url jdbc database url.
username jdbc username.
commitbatchcount commitbatchcount.
Optional parameters
name description
password jdbc password.
commit true or false. specify the use of transactions.
jdbcjar url of jdbc driver (will be load with a custom classloader).
batchcount batchcount.

Name JdbcWriter
Class net.sf.csv2sql.writers.JdbcWriter
Description Load generated statements in a jdbc resource.
Authors Davide Consonni (dconsonni AT
Required parameters
name description
driver jdbc driver classname.
url jdbc database url.
username jdbc username.
Optional parameters
name description
password jdbc password.
commit true or false. specify the use of transactions.
jdbcjar url of jdbc driver (will be load with a custom classloader).

Name SqlFileWriter
Class net.sf.csv2sql.writers.SqlFileWriter
Description Write a new textfile with generated statements.
Authors Davide Consonni (dconsonni AT
Required parameters
name description
filename output filename where result will be stored.
Optional parameters

Name SqlMultipleFileWriter
Class net.sf.csv2sql.writers.SqlMultipleFileWriter
Description Write a new textfile with generated statements.
Authors Davide Consonni (dconsonni AT
Required parameters
name description
filename output filename where result will be stored.
Optional parameters
name description
breaklines number of lines before break the csvfile 10 if not specified.

Name StandardOutputWriter
Class net.sf.csv2sql.writers.StandardOutputWriter
Description Write generated statements to standard output using System.out.println() method.
Authors Davide Consonni (dconsonni AT
Required parameters
Optional parameters

Name ThreadedStandardOutputWriter
Class net.sf.csv2sql.writers.ThreadedStandardOutputWriter
Description Write generated statements to standard output using System.out.println() method.
Authors Davide Consonni (dconsonni AT
Required parameters
Optional parameters
name description
printprogress print progress to standard error stream (default false).
stopatprogress stop printing at this % (ex. 10 for 10%).
copyright 2004 Davide Consonni (